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I am driven by the desire to make things better for everyone around me.  I believe the single greatest contribution that anyone can make to their community, their workplace, the world around them, is to help other people reach their potential and achieve their goals.  Someone who lifts other people up -  That is who I am, and what I aspire to do.


Responsible Growth

I believe you can have responsible growth and maintain the charming characteristics of Zionsville.  They are not mutually exclusive goals.


As we continue to see more and more interest by commercial and residential developers in and near our Town, I believe responsible zoning and development must be one of the primary focuses of our local government.  Given the irrefutable evidence of climate change, responsible development must include protecting the environment, including renewable energy sources.  Zoning and development projects should be done with a long-term view in mind and benefit the vast majority of Zionsville residents.  Any material adverse impact to the quality of life in our community should be eliminated or substantially reduced before a development project is approved by the Town Council.


Identifying and refining town development projects that deliver maximum benefit requires open, good-faith communication between Town Council members and the community.  Soliciting input from the community cannot be reserved for periodic Town Council meetings.  I will reach out to constituents and listen to all that are willing to share their opinions.  I will explain the advantages and disadvantages for the residents in District 1 so they fully understand how they might be impacted.  


Partnerships, both public and private, will be critical for future, beneficial, non-disruptive town growth.  That includes attractions like Carpenter Nature Preserve and the Lions Park expansion, as well as bringing corporations to areas that are well-suited for them.  My priority will be representing residents, their property values and their concerns when town development is brought to the Town Council for approval.  Development that is not intentionally created to allow for it to co-exist with what is already there should never occur because it will always be at the expense of the people that have chosen to make Zionsville their home. 


Traffic safety should also be an important element of responsible growth.  Appropriate signage, safe intersections and walkways, reasonable speed limits and well-engineered traffic flow should never be overlooked in the exuberance of an exciting new development project.  This includes both prospectively and reactively looking at safety issues.  It is best to predict safety concerns, but sometimes a new attraction/roadway creates an unsafe traffic situation that could not have been foreseen.  In those circumstances, the Town needs to act swiftly to fix traffic distractions or dangerous intersections before our community experiences a tragedy.

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Maximizing Zionsville’s Attraction

This means making Zionsville an attractive option to prospective businesses and companies, as well as families looking to spend their discretionary dollars on entertainment/dining/recreational activities. At the same time retaining the charm and beauty that makes Zionsville so special.  Business growth requires considering in a fiscally responsible way incentives and other benefits that will bring employers to Zionsville versus neighboring communities.  It also means creating a business climate that draws small businesses to open store fronts on Main Street and other retail areas throughout our beautiful town and identifying synergistic opportunities between existing and prospective businesses.


We need to also develop specific plans and programs that will expand shopping/dining experiences to compete favorably with other north suburban communities.  Such plans must include adding to our existing parks and attractions and enhancing the entrances to our town from all directions.


There have been some incredible opportunities to make Zionsville better and more attractive over the last quarter of a century that were missed.  Many of these opportunities would have added substantially to our tax base, taking some of the strain off of personal property taxes, and not jeopardized the core characteristics and charm of our Town.  We cannot live in the past, but we can learn from it.  If we can keep Zionsville dollars in Zionsville and draw patrons from other communities to Zionsville, everyone wins.

Working Together

No one wants local government that achieves little or doesn’t represent the wishes of the people of Zionsville.  I also believe no one wants a replay of the last four years of local government.  My 30+ years in the corporate world have taught me that differing views add value.  However, diversity of thought only works when people are willing to consider other perspectives and seek consensus to get things done.  Humility and common sense are also critical.  It is amazing what a group of committed people can accomplish when no one cares who gets the credit. 


I have nothing to personally gain by serving on the Town Council.  My livelihood is not tied to town politics and the decisions that are made by local politicians.  My motivation to run for Town Council is exclusively to represent my neighbors and constituents, to make sure we have open and honest access to those who represent us and to make Zionsville the envy of every town in the state.


In my various commercial leadership roles, I have had to make very difficult business decisions, negotiate multimillion-dollar contracts, and work with colleagues that disagree with me.  I have learned a great deal about how to actively listen, handle crucial conversations, admit mistakes, and build consensus.  My belief is that working well with others to get important things done is less about politics, and much more about interpersonal skills and a growth mindset.


That is why I believe I am the ideal candidate for Zionsville Town Council.  I bring the experience, leadership skills, openness and humility that are needed to be an excellent Town Councilman, and I humbly ask for your vote!

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